SJ Fish Whisperer Profile Page
SJ Fish Whisperer
16 years ago
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13 years ago
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About Me

My name is Chris Parson (aka SJ Fish Whisperer). I’ve been an avid fisherman all of my life having grown up in the Cape May, NJ area. By the age of 15, I was supplying local bait shops with fresh and live bait which I continue to do 24 years later. My time on the water and knowledge of bait and feeding patterns has earned me the nickname “Fish Whisperer” among my peers.

I have found a deep respect and a unique camaraderie among kayak fishermen and kayak tournament anglers. I fish the NJ sod banks, jetties and the open ocean from Stone Harbor to Cape May as often as possible. I also fish as many tournaments and attend as many events as I can throughout the entire east coast!

I’m the Tournament Editor at Kayak Fishing Magazine and also contribute articles, and equipment reviews. I have learned a lot about the sport and the industry through this experience. KFM has also given me the opportunity to travel, and to become more involved with the sport and its events that help the sport continue to grow.

In 2010 I co-founded Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing with Charlie LaBar (aka Lunchbox). A group dedicated to promoting the sport of kayak fishing in southern NJ through clinics, and gatherings. We are non-profit and host our events for Casting for Recovery.

For the past few years I have been involved in several shows, clinics, demos, tournament committee’s, and programs such as “NJ Outdoor Woman” program. I’m excited about the New Year and what it will bring.

Contact Info

SJ Fish Whisperer

My Details

Sit on Top Pedal
Hobie Kayaks
2009 Outback


SJ Fish Whisperer's connections

  Yak Chum
  Mullet Miller


Opening day Fluke in NJ

Created On: 05/28/2010 03:49:08
I'm planning to launch in the Wildwood / Cape May area on Saturday just before sunrise. Many of the fish are in the back and the inlets. I'm not a big fan of Fluke fishing, but opening day has a special appeal for some reason.

The plan is to get out of there before the Memorial Day Weekend crowd shakes their hangovers and fires up their seldom used engines. Oh the joys of living in a resort town.

Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend out there everyone and enjoy a BBQ or 2.

April 24th 2010, Cape May

Created On: 04/25/2010 10:01:26
Great day and a lot of fun. Very nice to meet Skip, Rob, and Jon!

We had our own parade of 7 kayaks cruising through the Cape May inlet and rounding the jetty. The weather was perfect!

The tautog action was red hot. I ended up with a 16 1/2 inch tautog and LUNCHBOX had one 17" even. Larger fish were being caught, but we were beat to the spot by those guys with motors.

BigBlue had a keeper size bass up to the grippers when it pulled a Houdini on him. He had a second at 26" that stuck around for a brief photoshoot that was tagged as well!

SeaFlea ended up with a 5lb Morkie named Briar. My wife's puppy that cried at my front door for a half hour after he left.

I shot a short video of porpoise swimming up to YAKMAN and briefly checking him out before going their own way.

Those with fish finders that work (GRRRRR) were marking fish everywhere but for some reason, the overall bite was slow.

A great day with friends out on the water, laughing, BSing, and sharing a day that will become, "this one day in Cape May".

On the hunt for Grass Shrimp today

Created On: 04/21/2010 03:50:00
We have a pretty good turnout for this Sat and the weather looks cooperative. We plan to launch out of the Cape May, NJ Inlet to find some spring Bass, Weakies and Tautog.

One of the best baits for the spring is Grass Shrimp. I collect them around the docks and piers using a trawl designed by an old friend that took me under his wing. Dip nets work too, however if you're looking for a gallon or two of these little guys a dip net could take a while.

I can usually keep Grass Shrimp alive for 4-5 days in a cooler. This in itself is an artform again passed down. I know that it will be slow going this early in the season. So. I'm off to fill the cooler.

Gearing up

Created On: 04/12/2010 14:11:41
Edited By SJ Fish Whisperer On: 04/26/2010 12:14:22
Testing the new blog feature. This is nice!!!

Over the winter I have aquired a few new toys and the pre-season re-rigging is under way. I'll be a one arm Kayaker until August so I am relocating my steering to starboard on my Outback as well.

There are alot of tournaments and events this year and as always, I will be going to as many as I can. I'll be reporting back here at KFM under the tournaments and events section. If you have any questions about an event or want to share some info feel free to hit me up anytime.


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First keeper Fuke 2010_1
Inlet Lighthouse_1
  • Inlet Lighthouse_1
  • Category: Scenic Photos
  • Hits: 1659
  • Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote) 
  • Comments: 1
My Island_1
My Island 2_2
My Island 2_3
My Island_1



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