
Saturday, 25 March 2017
Possibilities! Left to right, you can fish the Gulfstream, surfcast the beach, drift the estuary or target salt marsh creeks. I flew in to the Outer Banks region of North Carolina from my home in California. On... Read more...
Monday, 06 February 2017
After those mighty California storms and plenty of rain, Nick and I decided to kick off the new year with some good ol’ sturgeon fishing. We prepared all day Saturday and went out on Sunday 1/15 for our first fishing trip of the... Read more...

Wednesday, 04 January 2017
Ocean conditions in Northern California can get nasty in the winter. So far in 2016, we’ve had a series of large swells and a few low-pressure situations that have made kayak fishing hazardous at best. With the more severe nearshore... Read more...

Tuesday, 06 December 2016
In a section of the US best know for its Blues Men, Chris Ritchie From Aurora Missouri is a "Bass Man." Just like the Bluesmen of old, Chris has learned the importance of always, always being ready. Here's he gives us a breakdown... Read more...

Saturday, 09 July 2016
Old Town® Introduces Pedal-driven Predator PDL™ Advanced human-powered fishing watercraft offers unrivaled hands-free boat control and fishability, including forward and reverse Old Town, Maine (July 8,... Read more...

Tuesday, 17 May 2016
The 2016 Hobie Fishing World Championship is Coming to Louisiana May 11, 2016 by Paul... Read more...
Durban South Africa
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Roscoe Rautenbach shares a crisp little video with a nice tuna on the popper....
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Roscoe Rautenbach shares a crisp little video with a nice tuna on the popper....

Thursday, 14 April 2016
Rodney Pacitti shares more good times down under.

Thursday, 07 April 2016
Click for slideshow The AFTCO brand is instantly recognized by anglers worldwide. Aftco is the premier supplier of traditional fishing clothing as well as being on the cutting edge of modern materials, design and functionality.... Read more...

Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Captain Brian Sherman fished with our OK teammate Mike Coneen and John Kumiski the first week of December down in Venice, Louisiana (LA). Expect to see more from Captain Brian as he is another fanatic, for sure. Man,... Read more...

Monday, 01 February 2016
Two of the top locations that I have always dreamed of fishing from on kayak are South Africa and Hawaii. With the opportunity to go to South Africa being put on hold this year, and time away from work and the family booked in, the stars... Read more...

Monday, 01 February 2016
The Bacota shark has a widespread tropical and temperate range including the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans as well as the Medditeranean and Black seas. It is a coastal shark, and can grow as large as 11 feet. These are... Read more...

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
So, this new guy moves to town. Miles Burghoff. He goes to our local shop, the Kayak Connection in Santa Cruz, CA and arranges for his first kayak, an Old Town Predator XL to be shipped to the shop. KC owner Dave Grigsby... Read more...

Monday, 14 December 2015
We all take pix of our fish. Some of us take really good pix. Then there are guys like THIS! Mikey Sabadic captures the essence and the inspiration for me. Glad you like my photos. I've been getting a lot a positive feedback... Read more...

Monday, 14 December 2015
#PFD Save a life #PFD Personal Flotation Device Save a life and *SHARE AWAY*The Fisherman's Journal Railblaza Academy Sports + Outdoors Hooked Up Salt Life Optics Posted by Next Level Fishing - Kayak Fishing TV on Thursday,... Read more...
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Outfitting (Random)

Thursday, 22 October 2009
Here is a simple winter project that will make your kayak rudder system more functional and even easier to use. Most traditional kayak rudder systems are controlled by two foot...
Monday, 01 April 2013
My lesson learned: Despite everything you read online or watch on YouTube, the "Wader & Belt" system by itself is NOT a substitute for a dry-suit in a cold weather environment...

Saturday, 15 June 2013
Jim Martin is the innovative designer of the Raptor, and owner of Santa Cruz Kayaks. It gets windy almost every day on the Monterey Bay, and of course, that got Jim to...
Trips (Random)

Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Jimmy VanPelt is crazy. He just doesn’t think like the rest of us do. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when he called me about an “exciting opportunity” for the Blue Line...

Thursday, 08 October 2009
For those looking to for an incredible kayak fishing adventure the Qualifier 105 might be the ticket. Below is my account of a recent trip on the Qualifier 105. I have made many...

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
I am a child of the Great Lakes. Its wave pulse thrums through the sand and the soles of my feet. I step from my home and judge the day by the scent of the big lake in the...
Fisheries Affairs (Random)
Florida's Net Ban Vacated
Wednesday, 06 November 2013
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 15:07 Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 November 2013 15:11 Written by CCA Florida Leon County Circuit Judge Jackie Lee Fulford yesterday vacated an automatic...
Wednesday, 06 November 2013
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 15:07 Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 November 2013 15:11 Written by CCA Florida Leon County Circuit Judge Jackie Lee Fulford yesterday vacated an automatic...

Friday, 22 February 2013
It's a never ending battle between the forces that wish to take away our rights to fish, and those that fight to preserve it. In many cases, the fight comes down to the Best...

Thursday, 13 February 2014
Blue ribbon commission recommends enhanced fisheries management while upholding saltwater recreational fishing’s economic, social and conservation benefits Miami,...
In The News (Random)

Friday, 16 October 2009
Randy "RiverPirate" Vining, GKF Exec Board Member and Ocean Kayak Pro Staff Angler presents President Carter with an Ocean Kayak Drifter on behalf of the Georgia Kayak Fishing...

Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Malibu Kayaks LLC introduces the Express, a surf ski that doubles as a fishing vessel, aimed at paddlers who enjoy calm waters to fish along with ocean waves to ride. This...

Thursday, 12 July 2012
Hobie Cat's Hobie Mirage Pro Angler 12 named overall "Best of Show" product winner in the world's largest sportfishing trade show Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL -...