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Since I grew up on the Jersey Shore, it was not long until I had a fishing pole in my hand. I used to walk the rocks at local inlets for Bluefish, Seabass, Fluke, and Stripers. I also was a avid fisherman for Largemouth Bass, fishing local lakes and ponds in a Pond Hopper or John Boat. Since I moved to South Florida in 2002, I learned how to catch inshore species such as Snook and Trout, by wading during the incoming tides. In 2004, after a brief encounter with a Shark while wading (Nothing serious, he circled me which was enough to scare the s**t out of me), I decided that maybe I should give kayak fishing a try. My first kayak was a Heritage Featherlite 9'6" SINK, and when I caught my first Snook in it, I was hooked. Since then I have caught and landed a variety of fresh and saltwater species in my Heritage Redfish 14 Angler, and I currently fish for the IRISHWATERDOGS fishing team. I fish a select number of tournaments each year (work schedule permitting), and I enjoy every opportunity I have to be on the water. I also can be found on several forums, as well as having the privelage to be a Moderator on a few as well. The best thing about kayak fishing is not the fishing itself, but the community within the sport. I think back to when I was what you call a "Newbie" and I remember the countless people who would help out with questions about anything relevant to kayak fishing. Whether it be on the countless number of forums, or on the water, there is simply no better group of people than those who share the same passion as I do...Kayak Fishing...Tight Lines and I will see you on the water!!!

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Created On: 12/24/2014 17:38:50

The poem starts in a very straight forward place of words that cause the reader numerous beliefs of the landscape being described. It starts with the words "infectious hospital" and it's clear from the language the writer uses that the hospital is just not infectious because of the condition, but rather it itself is a affliction, an ever present state in this depressing landscape. The entire poem could be seen as Williams's response to the wasteland world of poverty and disorder which he fell upon a lot as a health care provider. Surprisingly while reading this poem one comprehends that the author, although phrases of love an exceedingly harsh way, he's secretly in love with what he sees about. The "purplish, forked, upstanding, twiggy / stuff of bushes and small trees" stands not as thematic background but as something worth examining in itself, within nature.

The theme of spring just awakening together with all the natural demonstration of its appearance in the nearest future, is followed throughout the whole poem. Even the poem's structure hints that springtime is a rushing season when everything changes and becomes something different quickly. The eye leaps from what is typically an adjective, "blue," to another line to get the noun, "clouds," although i love him break indicates that "the blue" is itself one unit. The lineation creates the consequence of a windy spring sky, the "blue mottled clouds" changing so quickly that the reader must pay close attention to differentiate "blue" from "clouds." As was said before this genre of writing causes the reader to visualize quite vividly what the author is envisioning for us, and in addition provides an improved comprehension of the writer 's own feeling and ideas at that time.

Williams just like a physician examining a patient, is writing about the landscape being naked and completely exposed. He's looking to discover the symptoms confused love quotes potential ailment, this time however, it's the springtime that is coming. The landscape will be revived together with the new life after the strategy of "sluggish dazed spring," it evokes the shoots growing from the ground, but the language leaves the referent of "they" unsure and open. Those words imply a more general concept of birth, physical rebirth that's religious in the feeling of absolute faith in reincarnation. "Unsure of all / save they enter." The wind is "familiar," not shocking, to the newborn simply because there aren't any preconceptions in plant life, along with with the human kid coming to types of love because he does not have an understanding of all things and can't compare.

I think that is the general course of the poem and its own gloomy mood.

The writer always finds matters throughout the poem, similar to the physician with a patient "However, the profound change has come upon them: rooted they grip down and start to awaken". The author recognizes that the movement of life never stops and that the new produced have to grasp to what they see so as to defend themselves and struggle to live. He has no romantic notions about realities of life and perspectives springtime love tester a physical act of nature. From the decay of winter appears the rebirth of spring development; from the poor city blocks appears will to live better and to endure. Although death and decay are ever-present, the promise of new life (the spring) and reincarnation never vanishes. His spleen and excitement and spring is seen in this poem in exactly the same time and just this strange combination of feeling tell us that spring isn't the simplest things to comprehend also to accept for Williams. However, the author marvels at the new life being brought to the world and likely this fact makes death easier to


Created On: 05/05/2014 13:31:46

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