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About Me

YAKMAN is a passionate sea kayaker and obsessive kayak angler specializing in light tackle, small craft, inshore and offshore (mothership) fishing.

Some of Al’s immediate goals are to figure out how to make kayak fishing his day job and not his any available minute job. Al is known on most kayak fishing boards as YAKMAN

You can contact Alan at !-- var prefix = 'mailto'; var suffix = ''; var attribs = ''; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy1440 = 'info' + '@'; addy1440 = addy1440 + 'eastcoastkayakfishing' + '.' + 'com'; document.write( '' ); document.write( addy1440 ); document.write( '' ); // -->info@eastcoastkayakfishing.com

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Wilderness Systems Ride 1


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  Mullet Miller
  Pat battle-ship
  Capt Krav
  Justin Hart
  SJ Fish Whisperer


How important is your kayak fishing seat?

Created On: 09/05/2010 14:39:32
Edited By YAKMAN On: 09/15/2010 04:52:19
Your kayak fishing seat will be the difference between kayak fishing and kayak fishing all day.

A kayak fishing seat might be the second most important thing you buy after your kayak selection. A good kayak fishing seat will even change your experience on that kayak selection.

A good kayak fishing seat will give you the ability to go anywhere in the world where there is a kayak waiting for you and give you the ability to make that kayak, a kayak fishing machine. When ever I travel on vacation near the ocean, I will bring my seat and a travel rod. This gives me the ability within minutes to be fishing and on the water, the rest is easy.

When selecting a kayak fishing seat, I spend some serious time going over how the seat was constructed and attention to details. I like kayak fishing seats that have 1 or 2 rod holders and a small gear pouch.

I have customized my kayak seat to hold a water bladder system so I can stay hydrated while paddling and what is really nice is that I rig up the mouth piece on PFD so I can drink quick and get back to the action

I encourage you to seek out the best kayak fishing seat your budget will support


Kayak Fishing Efficiency - Part 1

Created On: 09/05/2010 05:22:04
What is "Kayak Fishing Efficiency" and why is it important?

Kayak Fishing Efficiency to me is the ability to have all your kayak fishing tools ready to go with a properly equipped kayak for the fish you are targeting. The zen like feeling that the planets and the stars are aligned so your fishing experience will be perfect. The feeling that you have not forgotten your paddle or favorite lure.

It takes awhile for you to get in the zone where you can fish at night or during the day and reach back in your crate with your eyes closed and grab your lip grippers or powerbar. The feeling of having to lines in the water trolling as you throw the metal from the 3rd rod at breaking fish.

Kayak Fishing Efficiency starts with planning and organizing your gear so when your buddy calls and says the Albie's are breaking in the beach lets go, you can leave within minutes and be chasing fish.

My single best suggestion for being more Kayak Fishing Efficient is to do everything, every time the same way.

2010 Point Pleasant Elks Kayak Fishing Tournament registration is open

Created On: 06/10/2010 03:25:21
The 2010 Point Pleasant Elks Kayak Fishing Tournament registration is open May 1, 2010. Registration for the tournament is $50 before July 1, 2010, after July 1, 2010 the registration will be $65. This year we have increased the range the kayak angler can travel, and also changed the rules so you can fish anywhere in New Jersey, but you have to be back at the Elks Lodge by 2:30 to qualify any fish. If you attend the Capts Meeting the night before, you can head to your spot to be ready to fish by sunrise on July 24, 2010. Elks Kayak Fishing Tournament officially starts at sunrise on July 24th, as the rules state you must take a picture of yourself and the unique identifier at sunrise with your boat.

This years winner will go home with a incredible kayak fishing gear package from the event sponsors, add points to there rankings on the ECKFS and potentially be crowned the 1st Annual Nor' East Kayak Fishing Champion!

For the latest information on the Point Pleasant Elks Kayak Fishing Tournament use the links below

East Coast Kayak Fishing Series Information

Point Pleasant Elks Kayak Fishing Tournament

Jamaica Bay Kayak Fishing Tournament

Created On: 05/21/2010 01:38:13
What a great tournament and festival of kayak fishing. I don't know what I like better hanging with all the people from different areas talking about the fish they catch or fishing in Jamaica Bay. In the shadows of NYC and with the smell of the city, sounds of traffic, airplanes landing and taking off you are in one of the East Coast's top 5 Fisheries. Not only a ultimate fishing destinations but a kayak angler's dream.

I would also like to bring to the attention, and we should all say thank you to The KAYAK FISHING ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK (KFA-NY). They have spent the last year or so fighting for kayak fishing access to the bay, especially on Cross Bay Blvd and Floyd Bennit Field.

Here is a link to some pictures of the event.

New Jersey Kayak Fishing

Created On: 04/21/2010 14:12:39
New Jersey Right in the middle of it all. NJ offers the best in kayak fishing diversity. Trophy saltwater fisheries compliment the unlimited freshwater potentials.

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  • Wilderness Ride 135, Carbon Pro Light and YAKGEAR Stake Out Pole_1
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  • Wilderness Ride 135, Carbon Pro Light and YAKGEAR Stake Out Pole_3
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