Kayak Fishing Magazine April Issue - Panama
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Kayak Fishing Magazine April Issue - Panama |
It felt like an adventure before we even got out of the airport. I knew we were in a very different place for sure. First, there was the solid wall of heat and humidity when we exited the Boeing 757. Next was dealing with a dour old lady at immigration, followed closely by a flirtatious 20-something at customs. Hennie Marais, our host and the proprietor of Paddle Panama was right on time and whisked us to our transport. Hennie had already positioned supplies and gear in Santa Catalina, a four-hour drive. Four beautiful Stealth Kayaks from South Africa and two Ocean Kayak Trident 13's shipped in country by the folks at Ocean Kayak for this trip.

Feature: Seduced By Panama
If there’s one Golden Rule for adventure destination kayak fishing, it would be “”Have a Good Plan,” followed closely by “Be Flexible.” Lucky for us the recent KFM/Paddle Panama expedition proved again that sticking to these rules results in “Having Fun!”
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Outfitting: Packing for Kayak Fishing Adventure Travel
So you're now booked to go on a kayak-fishing trip of a lifetime. As the initial euphoria wears off, the stress of packing sets in. We’d like to share with you some tips and tricks for packing, gathered over the course of multiple kayak fishing adventures.
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Outfitting: Maximize your Handlheld VHF Radio's Battery Life
A handheld VHF radio is an indispensable tool for kayak fishing adventure travel, for angler to angler communication, listening to weather forecast, or a lifeline in the case of an emergency. When selecting a handheld VHF radio for these circumstances, two features are at the top of the list. First is a long battery life.
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