Kayak Fishing Magazine, John Day River
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Feature: Kayak Canyon Bassin'
Kayak Fishing Magazine’s staff went to town last week. Old Town, that is, to celebrate the new and innovative Predator Kayak. KFM joined some Johnson Outdoors Watercraft Pro Staffers for a Predator “trial by fire,” wherein the kayak was to be put through its designated paces, and maybe push it just a bit further. The adventure site would be nearly 50 miles of Eastern Oregon’s high-desert John Day River Canyon.
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Trips: John Day River Trip Logistics
The John Day River in north-central Oregon is the third longest undammed river in the contiguous United States. Designated a National “Wild and Scenic River,” the John Day spans 281 miles. 172 miles of the river are floatable. In 1971, smallmouth bass were introduced into the river. Since that time the population has flourished, with reports of population densities anywhere from 1000 to 4000 smallmouth per river mile, making it one of the best smallmouth bass fisheries on the west coast.
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Equipment Feature: Carlisle Expedition Paddle
After seeing the new Lowrance scupper transducer mount work so well on Jackson Kayak, a customer of mine decided to figure out a cheap way to do this for other fish finders. In this case we installed a Garmin transducer.
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Equipment Feature: Scotty Paddle Clip
On KFM's recent John Day River Trip we had the opportunity to try out the Scott Paddle Clip. While these paddle clips come standard with the Old Town Predator, they are also for sale individually as an accessory you can add to your own kayak.
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