Thursday, 22 October 2009 06:12 |
Sonny with a freshwater striper caught at Mendo Lake, CA.
Joey and I met Sonny on our trip to Alaska. He was the last person to join our group of six anglers. We all enjoyed getting to know him and he’s a friend for life. It was hard getting a picture of Sonny holding a fish in a kayak because like me he’s always taking pictures of others. He shot tons of pictures on our Alaska trip. Sonny got started about 10 years ago diving and fishing from kayaks but only got serious about kayak fishing 4 years ago.
Screen Name: Sailfish
Kayaks: At present he fishes from a Hobie Sport and Cobra Fish in Dive.
Where he fishes: Home waters are the San Francisco Bay area but he gets around. He just returned from Louisiana and has a trip planned in May to Texas. He went to Alaska last summer and plans on going back this summer.
Sonny with a Pink Salmon caught via fly rod in Valdez, AK summer 2008
Most Memorable Catch: An approximately 7’ sturgeon caught in the bay recently. Since the fish was oversized it was kept in the water and released unharmed. Follow this link for a full report.,16798.0.html
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