Sixth Annual Steve Moyer Memorial kayak and spear fishing tournament 2008 E-mail
Monday, 19 October 2009 11:41

The attendance was down a bit from last year but we still had 149 anglers registered for the event, 28 of which were walk ups. Very few people that signed up were no shows so we had 140 kayaks on the water. Which is pretty darn good.

The fishing conditions were tough with that wind, right after the festivities ended the wind picked up one of the pop up tents and sent it flying. Good thing most of the people had left by then.

Only eighteen fish where weighed in for the event but as always some of them were real heavy fish.

1. In the heaviest fish jackpot the winners were as follows

  • 1st Gabe Martin: Halibut 42.2 pounds awarded $400 and a $500 gift certificate to Global fish mounts to have his fish mounted.
  • 2nd Greg Tsujiuchi: Halibut 33.4 pounds awarded $200
  • 3rd Dave Kalwick: Yellowtail 30.4 pounds awarded $100

2. The winner of the Halibut division was

  • Gabe Martin: 42.2 pounds, He was awarded $500, and an event trophy

3. The winner of the Yellowtail division was

  • Dave Kalwick: 30.4 pounds, He was awarded $500, and an event trophy

4. The winner of the OTHER division was

  • Ed Walker: 5 pound Bonita He was awarded $500, and an event trophy

No White Seabass where landed this year so the $500 prize will go to the American cancer Society, the trophy will sit on a shelf until next year.

5. The winner of the junior division was

  • Ben Sorrenson: 4 pound Bonita, He was awarded tickets to Disney Land and an event trophy.

No females weighed in fish at the event so that prize went into the raffle.

With this being our first year with a spear fishing division, we were happy to have the nine spearos’ that we had. Awards were given to the top three competitors.

  • 1st Ben Hendricks: 13 pound yellowtail, he was awarded a Sea sniper spear gun, event trophy and $45
  • 2nd Perry Burk: 5 pound yellowtail, he was awarded a custom Cressi wet suit

3rd Kevin Cooper: 4 pound yellowtail, was awarded float lines and tools.

The winners of the kayak auctions are as follows (proceeds from these sales goes to the ACS)

  • Dave Schroeder: Hobie revolution $1700
  • Dave Schroeder: Wilderness Systems T160 $900
  • Sean Nesbitt: Ocean Kayak Trident 15 $1000
  • Eric Noonan: Malibu Kayaks X13 $800
  • Steve Lee: Ocean Kayak Trident 11 $675 (this kayak was donated by Paul Lebowitz and proceeds from the sale will go to the KFACA)

With all said and done we were very happy with the tournament this year. We had a few less people but thanks to the generosity of those that did compete and donated in the auction and raffles we set a new record for our contribution to the American Cancer Society. This year we will be writing them a check for $12,825 and another to the KFACA for $675.

We could not put on this event with out the help of so many people and wonderful sponsors that contribute to the event each year. The friends and family that spend the time helping with sponsors, the crew that prepare the food and work the food stations, the kids that sell the raffle tickets and get up in the morning to help with the sign in, my wonderful wife who does more than I can tell you to keep things moving smoothly throughout the day, the guys that donate their time and boats to deliver live bait to La Jolla, the Torgenson family and the OEX crew that helped with arrangements, permits, press releases, set up, tear down and so much more, CJ Siebler sitting over at the scale weighing in the fish, all the sponsors with too many great prizes to list here and so many more that I have likely left out here.

On behalf of the Moyer family, and myself we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all of your help to make this such a great event.

We know that we want the tradition of this tournament to continue for years to come and are already making plans to make next years event even better. With La Jolla Kayak Fishing working together OEX and the Moyer family, I know we can do even better next year. We have already set the date for the seventh annual Steve Moyer Memorial tournament for September 12, 2009 so mark your calendars now!

If you have ideas on how to make this event even better or would like to become a sponsor of this event please contact us ASAP. We really could use all the help we can get.


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