Barracouta Goes Airborn Stealing Bait Next to the Kayak E-mail
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 11:15


KFM followed up with Bam Blaikie about his recent encounter with a Barracouta.

"I was fishing out from Makara on Wellington's west coast (New Zealand). Sitting in around 30metres of water I had a whole pilchard out straylining for snapper. I had a few small runs and had not set the hook so thought it was time to check bait. I wound it up and as I reached out to grab the rig a flash of silver came up and I saw a barracouta (different to barracuda) jumping to grab the bait scaring the hell out of me as it was the last thing I was expecting. I dropped the bait & the second it hit the water it came back stealing what bait I had left and the hook. These are a common fish down here which have sharp teeth & are not edible.

When I saw the silver color come up from below, it took me a second to click what it was and by that time it was already out of the water by my hand. The look on my face says it all. Pause it as I pull my hand away and you will see how much of a fright I got."

We're happy to see you still have all your fingers Bam!




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