Kayak Bass Fishing by Chad Hoover Review by KFM E-mail
Thursday, 07 January 2010 16:21

Kayak Bass Fishing Book

I’ve know Chad for a number of years. He’s a passionate outdoorsman and fisherman who loves to fish from a kayak. While he still practices and pursues a wide diversity of species from the kayak, at heart he’s a bass fisherman. It’s his favorite way to fish. Kayak Bass Fishing reflects this. Bass are by far the most popular sport fish species in this country. In freshwater largemouth and smallmouth bass (and to a lesser degree striped bass) and in saltwater stripers are one of the most sought after kayak quarries. I, like Chad, am a bass fisherman at heart too. I grew up doing it and they’re still the most readily available fish for me too as they are for most anglers.

While kayak fishing owes its existence to saltwater fishing its future growth will be in the fresh, and the black bass (largemouth, smallmouth and other related varieties) rein supreme as the most sought and popular sport fish in this country. While I’ve been fishing for bass all my life I realized my 10 largest bass have all been caught using a kayak. That’s what Chad’s book is all about. It’s a combo bass fishing and kayak fishing book that has valuable information for both anglers and kayak fisherman. If you’re a bass fisherman looking to get into kayak fishing, the book will help you as its approach is from a bass fishing perspective. If you’re a kayak angler that wants to learn how to catch bass or catch more of them, you’ll find the book especially beneficial. That’s because Chad devotes a lot of the book to the basic things a bass fisherman needs to know. He discusses tackle, techniques, lures, presentations and environments. There are excerpts from some kayak bass experts like Jeff Little on smallmouths and Kevin Whitley for stripers. There’s a lot of information and the pictures are great too. There are so many people I know throughout the book.  Check it out.

Kayak Bass Fishing Book



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