LongLiner For Deep Water Kayak Fishing E-mail
Friday, 23 April 2010 17:40

More than 20 years of thought went into the development of LongLiner. Often, we fishermen consider innovative ways to increase our angling effectiveness; after all, that is what we do. LongLiner was born out of my need to effectively and simply present a lure or bait at a great  distance from my boat at depth without weight near the offering. Also, landing a fish withoutthe encumbrance of a lengthy leader below a traditional in-line weight, or the need to fish with the heavy gear associated with lead-core or metal lines was an exciting thought. Though I own two very nice downriggers, there were times when I was fishing without them or didn't want to use them, specially when fishing shallower than 50 feet.

Closed position when trolling Open postion after hookup

What will LongLiner do?
• LongLiner affixes a weight at any point on a line and will release and slide down to anypoint desired by an angler by placement of a swivel, bead, or ring. LongLiner isreleased and slides down the line when a fish strikes. It is manually releasedby the angler when retrieved. Your lures or herring can be fished with any lengthleader you desire and your fish landed with a short one. You can troll your lure or baitat depth, and at any distance from your boat.
• I have used it with lines as light as 4 pound test. The release is fully adjustable and canbe set to your desired release pressure. Lines up to 65 pound braid and 60 poundmonofilament have been used with LongLiner effectively. Release settings for kokaneeto large salmon can be dialed in and maintained with the set nut.
• LongLiner can be used with or without a dropper line for your weight. This allows yourweight to be attached by a light drop line to drag the bottom if desired while protectingthe rest of your gear from loss due to snags. Weights of various types are used: balls,bank types, bass casting, pencil leads, slinkys, drop line and shot, including walleyebottom draggers. In deep water, weights can be directly attached to LongLiner.
• A short rod can be used, which is often desirable in tight quarters.
• Expensive flourocarbon leader material need not be longer than 3 feet.
• LongLiner has been used with weights up to 10 ounces.
• LongLiner is a tool that gives the angler many more options, and fits into a box ortackle bag
• LongLiner is a must for small craft fishing (boats, kayaks, canoes, and pontoon craft)
• Large boats use LongLiner along with downriggers (center rods) and with side planers.
For more information: www.anglerinnovations.com

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