The One Arm Paddle Pro E-mail
Thursday, 08 October 2009 05:59

This patent pending "leverage guard device" is the #1 kayak fishing efficiency accessory!

It will allow you to paddle with one arm and hold your fishing rod with your other arm and you will NEVER have to set your fishing rod down again----- even when paddling and fishing against the wind. If you are an active kayak fishermen who casts artificials and who is on the move searching for fish, it's okay to set your paddle down in your lap, but NEVER set your fishing rod down. This device allows you to keep your rod in your hand, cocked and ready or actually casting and retrieving while paddling-- even against the wind !

This device raises a kayak fisherman's efficiency so drastically that it makes a dramtic increase in your kayak fishing success. It helps you to keep your lures and flies in front of the fish and in the strike zone all day long. No longer do you have to paddle way up wind to drift back toward fish in order to approach fish with the wind to get into position for a cast, and you will not have to drop your anchor to hold your position to prevent blowing on top of the fish and spooking them. This leverage guard device increases your ability to control your kayak while approaching or casting to fish. It also puts you in control of your kayak while retrieving your lure and even while fighting your fish.


It attaches to aluminum paddles ONLY with two stainless steel screws. The drill bit size is 9/64 for the paddle shaft holes.

Plastic electrical tape is used to attach the One Arm POWER Paddler to non aluminum paddle shafts such as graphite or fiberglass, but it can also be used on the aluminum paddle shafts. The device will attach solidly to any paddle shaft, and it will adjust to any wrist or forearm in seconds by simply bending the device to conform snugly to the individual's arm.


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