Review Detail
Raptor Test Drive
I would have to honestly say that I never rode in a kayak that was so stable. With the split fin design, my wife and 4yr son gives it a thumbs up. Here is a video of me loading it and unloading it in a local lake to test drive it with my 4yr old son.
In the sitting position, it is impossible to flip the raptor. The plus to this is that if my wife was riding it, she says that its better than the Ocean Kayak we have, because it keeps her completely dry! Wet tooshi, means no more fishing and we have to get out of the water immediately, because she is cold. LOL
You can get it with the rudder or without. Here is a video of me loading it up with fishing gear in a milk crate strapped into the backside.
As you can see it goes through kelp easily and water hardly gets in. Speed is like any kayak its size/weight. I totally enjoyed it. I noticed they have a facebook page also, I had to LIKE it! LOL