Hardcore Kayak Fishing Team E-mail
Tuesday, 20 October 2009 05:12

club logoHardcore Kayak Fishing Team was born almost 10yrs ago. Some of us have been yak fishing longer but the name comes from a very early and cold winter launch on the Catawba river near Charlotte N.C. It was just us and a lone, die-hard striper fisherman at the dock . He asked ," you boys goin' fishing today?, in those ?" We replied " YES SIR ", on both counts. He had a grin on his face that looked like he was glad to meet some people who he could hold up to his friends as crazier than he was. He said, " man, that's hardcore." Thus the club was born, and it stuck. 


The Hardcore Kayak Fishing Team is a small but dedicated and experienced brotherhood of anglers united to pursue and promote the art of kayak fishing while continually honing our skills. We are stewards of nature and fishery management advocates. In 10 years the swell of  kayak angling has doubled from 4 to 8 million participants. We helped build that wave and we are not content to seek a free ride now. We are committed to increase our involvement with other organizations, clubs, and like-minded individuals to remain behind the wave pushing the ever expanding Plastic Armada.

 club picture

Our goals are not personal or commercial but to continue to paddle past convention into uncharted waters while teaching and bringing others to the sport we love .We will continue to align our energy with the N.C. Wildlife Federation, the Catawba Riverkeepers, the Sierra Club, and hopefully new people and companies also interested in land conservancy, water quality, and not just preserving but expanding access to waters for all anglers and future generations. We enjoy competition as much as camaraderie. We are as serious about fishing safely and following all waterway and game laws as we are about having a good time doing it. Team Hardcore is small, but our aim is to have a much larger, positive impact on the sport. 

For more info visit www.hardcorekayakfishing.com



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